Our Core Beliefs

We believe in God, His church, and the practice of the sacraments that have sustained the community of God.
There is only one true God. He is the Creator and sustainer of all life. God co-exists equally in the Trinity:  Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. God created us, his beloved, He loves you more than you can imagine.  
 We believe the church is a body of imperfect believers, not a place or a building. The church exists to love God and love people.


Baptism has been a core practice in the church since its inception.  In baptism many things happen.  We receive forgiveness of sins, understanding that God's grace through the blood of the cross demands a commitment and surrender to Him. Through this commitment we receive gift of the Holy Spirit, which guides us in our journey of discipleship.  In this journey we learn to participate in the kingdom of God by joining God in his redemptive work in the world.
Baptism is a core practice because in our surrender to God, we learn to love like Him.


The table is a place we remember Christ: His life, death, burial and resurrection. 


Through the lens of scripture we believe that God teaches us through many avenues: creation, experience, relationships, etc. Throughout history, the word of God was heard before it was read, we believe in the power of the spoken word. The power does not come from the proclaimer, but from the words themselves, the Holy Scriptures.  The Bible is the story of God and His redemptive work in the world. His story has the ability to transform us individually, communally and beyond. 

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable,
because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.
- C.S. Lewis